Early intervention has long been considered the standard of care for ensuring best outcomes for individuals diagnosed with or considered to be at-risk for developing ASD, and those who exhibit potential "red flags". Family First has been a forceful advocate for early detection and treatment of autism and other developmental disorders. As a regional center "vendored" provider of early intervention services, Family First's qualified staff have worked with families of children as young as 10 months presenting with a range of symptoms related to developmental delays, from mild to severe. Our intake specialists are available to help answer any questions related to the referral and treatment process.

Family First began at a time when most providers in the field of home autism therapy were focused on adding layers of staff to their programs, with the least qualified practitioner providing the bulk of treatment. Our first innovation was to turn this practice on its head by assigning one highly-qualified therapist to administer the program from top to bottom. Since that time, a growing body of research has expanded to support this approach. Our goal is to continue to set the standard in autism care by developing the expertise of our clinicians through continuing education and professional development. You can learn more about our commitment to fostering a community of professional learners by clicking the link below.

Family First was founded on the philosophy that empowering caregivers is the key to establishing lasting and meaningful change in a child's life. It is this mission that drives us to continually improve and evolve our treatment approach. We are excited to offer Caregiver Facilitated Behavior Therapy (CFBT) as the newest refinement to that approach. Integrating self-paced, instructor curated online coursework with hands on direct-care instruction, CFBT raises the standard of parent-implemented intervention by putting professional-tier content and teaching methodologies in the hands of parents in a single, highly collaborative program. Read on to learn more about this unique program offering.